SiteStake Transfers using Windows HyperTerminal
Last Updated 03/17/04
SiteStake was designed to allow users with Cogo/CAD software that supports ASCII transfers to
upload and download directly to the Cogo/CAD program without the use of additional software.
Some SiteStake users do not have any Cogo/CAD products that support this so we have developed
the following procedure using the Windows HyperTerminal software provided with MS Windows.
Please note that this is not the preferred method for transferring. SiteStake was intended to
transfer in a raw ASCII mode to communicate directly with Cogo/CAD programs supporting this.
Transfers using HyperTerminal will typically be more complex to set up than using Cogo/CAD software.
The file you are sending to SiteStake should be a comma delimited ASCII file formatted as below:
This is the ideal format for the data. Additional spaces around the commas generally do not cause a problem,
and the TEXT field is not required, but P,N,E,Z are. If you do not have elevations in your file add ',0'
to the end as shown on point 7. Point 7 shows the minimum amount of data required.
Use HyperTerminal's Transfer Send Text File command to send the example file.
Note: Some options vary slightly among different versions of Hyperterminal. The general settings are the same,
but field names and dialog box layout may vary.
On the PC:
- Start Hyperterminal. It may be found under Start/Programs/Accessories.
- If prompted for a connection description enter "HP48". This will allow you to save settings
for future use.
- If you were not prompted in the previous step, select File/New Connection and enter "HP48".
- In the "Connect To" dialog you can ignore all the phone related options, just change "Connect Using"
to the appropriate COM port, such as "COM1", then press OK.
- Another dialog titled "COM1 Properties" will be displayed. This allows you to set the serial data
transfer parameters.
- Set baud rate (or bits per second) to 9600.
- Set data bits to 8.
- Set parity to None.
- Set flow control to NONE. Advanced users may wish to experiment with XON/XOFF control.
The HP48 only uses a 3 wire cable and therefore can not support hardware flow control.
- Press OK when the Communications parameters are set.
- To check or change these settings later, go to File/Properties.
- Now, go to File/Properties, and change to the Settings tab.
- Press the ASCII Setup button
- Check Send Line ends with line feeds
- Check Echo typed characters locally (doesn't affect transfer, just makes it easier to see)
- Set Line Delay to 500 ms
- Set character delay to 50 ms
- Once you are getting successful transfers you can try reducing these delays to achieve faster transfers.
500ms means there is a half second delay after each point is transmitted.
On the 48:
- Go into Read/Write Files program
- Select Communications parameters (0)
- Ensure that I/O Port is set to wire, baud and parity match the settings made above in HyperTerminal,
and that Kermit is OFF.
- Press {<} softkey to return to R/W menu.
- Select Receive File
- Enter a filename and press Enter
On the PC:
- Select Transfer Send Text File
- Select the file to be transferred
- The transfer will begin as soon as you press Enter or Open
- Watch the HP48 to see if it displays "Storing 1", etc.
- After the transfer is complete the HP48 may exit on its own if the end of file marker
is sent. If not, press On/Cancel on the HP48 after it has stored the last point.