Direct/Reverse Angle Collection Program

Last Updated 07/23/03

For users who wish to measure and compute the results of a direct/reverse set of data we have written the following user program. This will work with Student Cogo, SiteStake, or Party Chief. It can easily be loaded as a user program (only Student Cogo 1.0 does not support user programs - check updates for information on updating to 1.1).

This program allows you to take 4 measurements, either from a connected instrument or via manual input:

From this data it returns: All input and output is in DMS.

Follow the procedure in your manual for downloading user programs to the HP48. The program name is DIRREV.

For typical usage from the Stake program:

Download DIRREV program now (If your browser doesn't prompt you to save this file when clicking it, right click the link and select Save Link As ...).

Notes: This program has been designed to compute the average properly in a case such as Angle1=359.5955 and Angle2=0.0005. In this case the mathematical average is 180 but intuitively we know the answer should be 0. The program compensates for this by adding 360 degrees to one of the angles if they are more than 180 degrees apart. This can produce some strange results in cases such as Angle1=359, Angle2=91 producing an average of 405 (45).

Revision History
07/23/03 Created