Topcon 201 Series Driver

Last Updated 06/14/00

The Topcon 201 series will not work with the Topcon driver in Party Chief 4.0. The current version of Party Chief (4.1) includes this driver on the card but for users with older versions the instrument can be operated using the "OTHER" selection. We have verified this driver with the 201D and the 211D. It should also be used with the 202/212, 203/213, etc.

Use the following procedure to load the 201 driver (similar to loading advanced programs):

You may switch the instrument between fast and slow mode by selecting Topcon as your instrument, then selecting a speed option. Now switch back to OTHER and it will use the selected speed. If you are prompted to load an additional driver you can select NO - it is already loaded.

Download Topcon 200 series driver now.

Revision History
G:\word\ramss\tech\tc201 Revised 04/96
06/14/00 Freed from frames, added META