The Topcon 303 series and other 1" Topcon instruments will not work with the default Topcon driver in Party Chief. These instruments can be operated by loading this additional driver and using the "OTHER" selection. We have verified this driver with the GTS500, GTS601 and GPT1003. It should be tried with any new model (1999 or later) 1 second instrument, as these guns use a different format to transfer more accurate data.
Use the following procedure to load the 303 driver (similar to loading advanced programs):
Protocol setting: "1WAY" or "ACK/NACK" select ACK/NAK Baud Rate: 1200 C/P: 7EVEN Stop Bits: 1 Data Recording: A or B, select A* * This setting may not appear in all models, this example is from GTS500
You may switch the instrument between fast and slow mode by selecting Topcon as your instrument, then selecting a speed option. Now switch back to OTHER and it will use the selected speed. If you are prompted to load an additional driver you can select NO - it is already loaded.
Download Topcon 303 series driver now (you may need to right click the link and select "Save As" depending on your browser).
This driver was previously distributed as TOPCN303.TSD but has been renamed for consistency.
There is no change to the functionality.
Revision History
2002-02-22 created from tc201 template
2004-11-09 Added "right click save as" hint, Added DocType, ISO8601 DateFmt,